Our York shop is re-opening on 12th April. Many recipients of our Newsletter can't visit in person, so we thought you would like to see some pictures of how the shop is currently looking. During the most recent lockdown we added a lot of "shop only" lines to the website - especially greetings cards, and other "small" items like coasters, key rings etc. If you haven't had a good browse of the website recently, then now would be a good time to do so! Previously "shop only" lines have generally been added to the New Products Section.
OK, lets go and have a look at the shop. First up are some pictures from the front section:
This picture shows the left hand wall just inside the door. We use this area for cat toys, and treats plus socks and scarves for humans.
The next picture shows behind the counter. We put slatwall up here during the first lockdown to make it easier to display t shirts and bags.
The wall closest to the counter has a lot of little "pick me up" gifts like miaowing LED keyrings and lip balms. It is also now our focused area for displaying face masks - yes we still stock all designs! The glowdome display is here too - it allows us to explain the product better, having it near the counter. Finally we now have a "power" display of Denise Laurent art: a couple of her fab tote bags, plus Whisker Face 24" canvas print.
Next up is our coaster spinner followed by leather bags and purses - as popular in the shop as they are online.
In front of the window is another area where we have a lot of "bits and bobs", ranging from bookmarks to soaps and fridge magnets to tweezers. Of course, there is also a discreet little display of the bestselling Luxury Snowflake Blanket too.
Before we head to the back section, take a look in the jewellery cabinet. Plenty of past and present catalogue lines including watches, necklaces and brooches, plus a smattering of "shop only" lines.
The mid-section of the shop changes regularly. It is currently our "holding" area while we wait for a few new deliveries to arrive.
Moving into the back of the shop we start, on the left, with some kitchen linens and accessories, along with "hangable" stationery lines, a smattering of books plus greetings cards.
The first "bay" on the back wall currently houses non-leather bags and a variety of home and table wares, including water bottles, lamps plus complete ranges from French and Spanish suppliers.
Amongst other things, the middle section includes a Chat Noir shelf and some of our best selling black cats, including Hocus, Pocus & Purrah.
The final bay includes cushions, Catopoly and Cuddly Cats from Jellycat and Keel Toys.
The photo sequence missed out the corner glass cabinet! That tends to have ornaments, including ones by Rosina Wachtmeister, Dubout and De Rosa.
The next section has plenty of "pick me up" gifts. Many of these are exclusive to the shop. In the unit below, we show a lot of our Jigsaws.
The final wall contains a regularly changing mix of ornaments, including Frith, plus Mugs, Napkins and other homewares. We also manage to squeeze in a little more stationery and a few more books, including "The Mystery Cats of York".
The last picture on this tour shows the central island. This changes regularly but is currently displaying a fresh delivery of Winstanley cats, plus a colourful collection of money boxes and planters. At the time of writing, the Winstanley cats are all reserved for our shop re-opening. We will try to list some online when we get our next delivery.
We hope you enjoyed the tour and found the links to our website helpful. Covid restrictions permitting, we'd love to welcome you to our shop in York.
45 Low Petergate, York, YO1 7HT